Two good reasons to Borneo head

Although hard to a finger on it, there Borneo something, simply by other parts of Malaysia and South East Asia. And with some of the best wildlife and stunning scenery on the planet is also increasingly environmentally aware. So you can get back into your luxury eco Villa kick without having to worry too much about your carbon emissions balance. So, now the blame has been dealt with, it is time, find something, inspire go to you on your own Borneo adventure.

See head into the jungle of the orangutans of Borneo point your theatrics as you swing from tree to tree. Although these monkeys are smarter than you think. Listen to this: the orangutans have learned that by holding leaves over their mouths can your votes to lower, to fool predators in think you are bigger than you actually are. Pretty clever, huh? Or how about the fact that your swinging and swaying actually behind it to keep a science falling from the trees? Pretty fascinating stuff.

There's nothing like the experience of seeing such a magnificent creature in the flesh (or fur). The last wild orang-utans in North Borneo can be seen at the famous Kabili Sepilok forest reserve, worth a visit for some stories, which can tell you the grandson of a day.

Look up of Borneo's rainforests and blinded by other spectacular sights. Annually for the start (in the truest sense of the word) of the fifth Borneo International Kite Festival. The extravaganza draws thousands of visitors, can log on in the numerous kite flying and kite make to compete competition. If you miss the Kite Festival, there is much more to offer. See the Dragon, Unicorn and Lion Dance Festival in Padang Merfeka: a truly dazzling event.

A holiday to Borneo is an opportunity not to be missed.

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